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Air Conditioning and Humidity

Throughout the summer months, you rely on your air conditioner to cool your home, office, or workspace. It is a must in order to get through the high temperature days where a fan just won’t cut it.

But if one day you notice a musty odor, moist air, or foggy windows, you may have a problem. And the culprit is likely humidity.

While air conditioners already remove some water vapor from the air, that is not their main job. If humidity levels are excessive, you may be placing undue pressure on your air conditioning system, putting it at risk for damage or other issues.

Here we will take a closer look at the impact that high levels of humidity can have on air conditioner systems, and some options that you have to both minimize the humidity in your home and to keep your air conditioner functioning properly.

How does high humidity impact air conditioning?

When there is too much humidity in your home or apartment, you will notice an effect on your air conditioner. Since the system is overwhelmed by water vapor, it will work harder to cool your home, and not be as effective as possible.

But more moisture in your house and the system means that sooner or later it won’t be able to keep up, so the air will not feel as cool, and your unit will most likely break down at some point if it continues.

Air conditioner humidity problems

Over time, problems can begin in your air conditioning system if humidity levels are not controlled. As mentioned above, the system will work overtime trying to compensate, and may wear down sooner because of this. In some cases, mold can grow.

If you are noticing your air conditioner working at suboptimal levels, it may be time to start investigating a long-term solution to deal with the humidity in your home.

Climates with high humidity levels

Depending on where you live, this issue could either be an occasional nuisance or an ongoing problem. If you reside in a place that frequently experiences high humidity (Florida, Hawaii), you may want to look into some preventive methods to avoid your air conditioner breaking down.

A great way to address this issue is to install a dehumidifier right onto your existing HVAC system. This item can remove water vapors from the air while ensuring that your air conditioner continues to function normally.

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Best type of air conditioner for high humidity areas

If you are in the market for an air conditioner and live in a high humidity area, getting an air conditioner with a built in dehumidifier can be the easiest way to address the issue. By using a dehumidifier, you free up the air conditioner to focus on its primary job –– cooling your home.

But what’s the best type of air conditioner for regularly humid areas? The answer is that it depends. If you have a central air system already, you may be able to install a dehumidifier onto it to address the issue and will not need to replace your system.

Alternatively, adding a whole house dehumidifier can be a great bet in this situation, as it is set up to remove excess moisture from the air all throughout your home, as opposed to just one area, like portable dehumidifiers. Also factor in energy usage in your decision, as adding in additional appliances may raise your electric bill, while replacing your system may be cheaper in the long run.

Williams Furnace Company DH125 125 Pint Air Sponge Total Space Dehumidifier

If after taking some of these measures, you find that your home is still humid, you may need to either clean your air conditioning unit or replace it with one that is better suited for your needs. Your system may not be strong enough to cool the entire area of your home. Consult an HVAC professional to find out the best move for your particular situation.

Keep your home’s air quality and air conditioner in top condition

While most people love the lazy days of summer, they can create some unique problems for our home appliances, in the form of damage by humidity. Water vapor overload can first cause effects inside your home, such as damp air, lack of cool air, or general discomfort. Plus, it can make your air conditioner strain to both cool the air and remove humidity at the same time.

If you are finding yourself facing this issue, there are some steps that you can take to address it. Look into whether installing a whole house dehumidifier or purchasing an air conditioning unit with a built-in dehumidifier would be the best bet.

Keep in mind the year-round climate in your area; is this a problem that may be recurring throughout the year? It may be worth consulting an HVAC professional to find out the best road forward so that you can select the right machine that will do the job and last.

Should you be looking for just such a solution for your home, Total Home Supply has your back. Check out the many different options available in our selection that can help reduce humidity levels in your home, and keep your inside environment comfortable and cool. And if you have further questions about the solution that would be best for your needs, we are here to help!

Mickey Luongo

Mickey is the resident heating and air conditioning expert with over 15 years of experience in the industry.

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